Within each of us, there is this beautiful capacity to allow and not resist. As one deepens in this practice, a greater sense of spaciousness arises and all our feelings are met and held. Our capacity to feel all expands and we exclude nothing.

Below are links to Meditations that will provide guidance and insight through the process.

Each meditation has a different purpose. We practice different meditations as a means to assist in experiencing different facets of greater peace

For some , the task of starting a meditation practice can seem frightening and overwhelming. For those who are interested, I also provide meditation instruction if you are interested in having someone support and guide you as you begin this practice.


Embodiment Meditation lead by CHRISTINA GIAMMALVA

This is a guided embodiment meditation where you will practice directly experiencing the body and all its sensations. We practice feeling within our body and relaxing the body’s automatic response to acquired tension and stress that has accumulated overtime. Through repeating this practice, one's ability to let go of resistance or tension that is stored within the body becomes more conscious and overtime easier. If at anytime you feel uncomfortable or anxious, open your eyes, feel your feet on the ground and focus on something in the room until you feel grounded. Only if you feel comfortable and safe should you continue.


The Three Commitments lead by CHRISTINA GIAMMALVA

This guided meditation, recorded for SONIMA and inspired by Adyashanti, will help you practice becoming conscious of awareness. This foundational meditation is a practice of observing and accepting everything that arises within your mind and body without resistance. Master this, and you're on your way to finding truly lasting inner peace.


Guided Meditations lead by ADYASHANTI

This is a collection of guided meditations that guide us into different mindful experiences. Adyashanti assists us in understanding the multiple ways that meditating can be a tool to deepen our internal experience and find greater peace and acceptance.

Awareness Meditation lead by KIRAN TRACE

This meditation is a beautiful practice of becoming aware of our internal body just as it is in the moment. All too often we are in our head and forget our body. When we shift our awareness to the sensations within our body, we begin to experience what we are truly feeling in each given moment. This is the gateway to truly being at one with ourselves.


Acceptance Meditation lead by KIRAN TRACE

Kiran guides you with her words and presence into stillness and guides you towards an effortless compassion and profound acceptance.